Hand washing is recommended by health authorities in order to avoid germ contamination. But in reality, we do not always have a direct access to running water and soap. That’s why the hand sanitizer market has taken a huge leap forward, especially since the arrival of COVID-19. Now, there is a wide variety to choose from. Together, we’ll take a close look at the wonderful world of hand sanitizers.
Let’s Talk About Hand Hygiene!
The most fundamental aspect of infection prevention and control is without a doubt hand hygiene. It consists of removing dirt and micro-organisms from the hands. There are two ways to perform hand hygiene: with soap and running water or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. In this article, we will cover the different aspects of hand sanitation.
The Hand Sanitizer’s Effectiveness
To assess the effectiveness of a hand sanitizer, it is important to determine the alcohol percentage it contains. We all agree that the hand sanitizer we are using should protect us from germs as much as possible. Therefore, the product must contain a minimum of 60% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol and one part water. If the quantity of alcohol is insufficient, its effectiveness will be limited.
User Guide
Its effectiveness will also depend on the method used when applying the hand sanitizer. Here is the proposed method to eliminate the risk of infection. This procedure should take at least 15 seconds.
- Apply the product on the palms of your hands.
- Rub :
- your palms;
- between and around your fingers;
- on each hand’s back side;
- the tips of your fingers;
- inside the other hand’s palm;
- your thumbs.
- Proceed until hands are dry and alcohol has evaporated completely.
Please note that if your hands are soiled, you should first remove the dirt with a wipe before using the hand sanitizer. To avoid reducing the effectiveness of the hand sanitizer, it is important:
- not to rinse or wash your hands;
- not to use a towel to wipe off the excess product;
- not to get your hands wet before using the hand sanitizer.
The Right Reasons to Use Hand Sanitizers
As mentioned, the use of hand sanitizer is a rigorous personal hygiene practice. Its use is a very simple and inexpensive sanitary measure that protects against any infectious agent.
In fact, because of the alcohol or perfume they may contain, hand sanitizers tend to dry out hands. That’s why some manufacturers will add a moisturizer or emollient to their formulas. What a great way to fix this issue!
You can choose from a variety of hand sanitizers on the market, all of which have their own unique scents, moisturizers or 100% natural ingredients. Some online sites even offer homemade recipes! However, Health Canada asks that you refrain from using these homemade products, as they can cause skin irritation, hypersensitivity or allergic reactions. So be very careful when choosing your hand sanitizer!
It’s quite obvious, hand sanitizer does not replace the good old hand-washing. On the other hand, and to be prepared for any possible contingency, it can be very handy to have some in your purse, your car, your suitcase, etc. To avoid unpleasant situations, always have your hand sanitizer on hand!
Did You Know?
Did you know that Aurelia recently launched a 2-in-1 disinfecting lotion that both sanitizes and moisturizes hands? For more information on this product, contact our customer service department.
Article by Createxte
- https://quebec.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/antibacterien-mains-virus_qc_5e69383bc5b690c5a6e8a11b
- https://www.jeancoutu.com/sante/conseils-sante/gels-antiseptiques-mythes-et-realite/
- https://www.protegez-vous.ca/nouvelles/sante-et-alimentation/desinfectant-mains-naturel
- https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/j/2009/jcyh-handrub.pdf?sc_lang=fr