Most professionals who wear gloves while working are bothered by damaged hands. In fact, this extremely uncomfortable feeling is a direct result of hand washing, hand sanitizing and glove wearing. As a result, hand skin conditions, including occupational eczema, are the leading cause of discomfort at work. Several professions are exposed to this particular risk, including surgeons, doctors, nurses, dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants, hairdressers, colourists, painters, mechanics, cleaning staff, etc. It is therefore necessary to propose various solutions to overcome this problem.
In the following article, you will find answers to your questions regarding damaged hands, especially if you wear gloves for most of the day.
Damaged Hands – What Triggers It?
You strive to protect your hands, and yet you still have damaged hands… Therefore, the following question arises: why are my hands in such condition? There are several possible answers:
- Hand washing with soap and water.
- Hand disinfection with hydroalcoholic solutions.
- Skin reaction related to certain materials such as latex.
- The use of abrasive and chemical products before wearing gloves.
- Cold, heat and wind.
All these triggers are destroying the permeability of your skin barrier, which makes it extremely vulnerable. In fact, all these irritants penetrate your skin and dry out your hands abnormally, which promotes tightness, itching, rashes, redness and chapping. In short, when your skin is subjected to frequent contact with irritants, it has difficulty regenerating and becomes worn and sensitive.
Occasionally, some professionals find this situation unbearable and will switch to another line of work. Before we get to that fateful moment, let us outline some preventive measures as well as some appropriate care to solve this problem.
What You Need to Know About Damaged Hands
It is extremely important to take good care of your hands before they become damaged. As the saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry! No matter if your hands are in good condition or if they are damaged, the following are simple tips to consider before wearing your gloves:
- Dry your damaged hands completely, and;
- Apply a protective cream.
The Essential Requirements for a Protective Cream
In order for a protective cream to be efficient, you need to check if the following criteria are met:
- It is quickly absorbed by the skin.
- It does not leave any residues on touched objects.
- It can be applied before putting on gloves.
- It has a durable effectiveness (3 to 5 applications per day).
- It can be used in the agri-food industry.
Obviously, having damaged hands can lead to some annoying diseases like occupational dermatitis. Here are the most common ones:
- Allergic hand eczema – hypersensitivity to several substances that cause itching, redness, blistering.
- Wear and tear dermatitis – irritation that causes wear and tear on the skin and damages its protective barrier, resulting in eczema, which is characterized by redness, blistering, chapping and hyperkeratosis.
- Atopic hand eczema – predisposition to dry skin and eczema, therefore due to irritating contact, and hereditarily, develops blisters, scaling and cracking.
Now let’s try to find a way to solve the problem of damaged hands.
Avoid Dryness! The Procedure Suggested by Experts.
In general, the best remedy for damaged hands is prevention. The key to prevention is protection. This basic principle is based on two elements: hand cleaning and hand care. Performing these two elements is even more important when you wear gloves. It will help you keep your hands healthy.
The key to keeping your hands clean is to retain moisture. So when washing and rinsing your hands, use cool water and avoid overly scented soaps. Mild, pH-neutral, fragrance-free soaps are recommended. After each hand washing, use a moisturizing lotion or cream to prevent your hands from being damaged.
Interesting tip: at the end of the day, after applying your moisturizer one last time, put on gloves for the night. This procedure ensures that your hands are well hydrated. Your hands will thank you in the morning!
NEW: for fast and effective disinfection and moisturizing, use a lotion that wonderfully combines these two actions. This formula will even help you put on your gloves with ease without feeling the sticky effect (e.g.: Dermaseptyl by Aurelia).
Natural Tips to Prevent Hand Damage
Don’t be discouraged! There are simple and effective solutions that can help you eliminate unwanted situations with damaged hands.
Here are some natural solutions that may help you with dry hands:
- Natural tips for dry hands caused by washing – vegetable oils:
- Wheat germ oil;
- Borage oil;
- Olive oil;
- Calendula flower oil.
- Natural tip for dryness caused by wearing latex gloves – oatmeal:
- Soak your hands in this mixture:
- 1 cup of powdered oatmeal;
- Fill a large container with warm water;
- Pour the oats into the container and mix with the water;
- Soak your hands for 10 minutes;
- For more hydration, add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to the mixture.
- Soak your hands in this mixture:
- Natural tip for hydration – aloe vera :
- Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties;
- Repairs, smoothes and keeps hands fresh while wearing gloves;
- Apply after washing hands and before wearing gloves.
- Natural tip to eliminate severe cracking – shea butter, beeswax or coconut oil (ideally applied at bedtime):
- Recipe 1: 1 tablespoon of shea butter, 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil and 3 drops of rosewood essential oil.
- Recipe 2: to be applied only at night – 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 3 drops of essential oil of mandarin or grapefruit.
- Recipe 3: 20 g of beeswax, 5 tablespoons of rose hip oil, 5 drops of essential oil of sweet geranium, 5 drops of essential oil of Helichrysum and 5 drops of essential oil of carrot.
- Natural tips for dry hands caused by washing – vegetable oils:
We recommend that you keep your hands well hydrated to keep them healthy. Respond immediately to the first symptoms of dryness to reduce the risk of complications that could become disastrous for your hands. Get away from the factors that cause dry, flaky, rough skin by using the tips listed in this article. Above all, don’t wait until you have damaged hands, contact our experts on this subject who will give you sound advice on this topic.
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